MsLoyal 38
USA, Clayton

MyssThang35 44
USA, Lacey

spoilme29 38
USA, Woodward

mikea.bur 45
USA, Saginaw

pweedysani01 38
USA, Anchorage

Jo 64
USA, Hemet

john1330 44
USA, La Marque
Profil delights
- Kön
- Man
- År:
- 44 - 64
- Land:
- Region:
- —
- Stad:
- —
Om mig
In a nutshell, a former journalist from the Bay Area that got laid off when newspapers began to panic. I read a lot and write when I can get in the zone. I go to lots of films and am particularly fond of those European ones that I can't get anyone to go see with me. (It's a lonely world!) Once things thaw out here and the sky isn't permanently gray, I want to get back to hiking and camping and swimming. And traveling. It's been a long winter.